Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Review Tags 0 LOOK
To do Work 16 TODO
To fix Work 0 FIXME
To implement Work 0 TOIMP
To test Work 0 TOTEST

Each tag is detailed below:

To do Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 16

es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.mock.common.MockConfiguration Line
Service_Type could be a custom field of MockCondiguration. 26
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.mock.jade.bridgeMock.DannyBridgeMockAgent Line
think about implement this exception or not. throw new BadConfigurationException(); 78
Service_Type could be a custom field of MockCondiguration. 97
check if is necessary to implement this exception. throw new UnableToRegisterException(e.getStackTrace().toString()); 105
make exceptions for a bad mocked behavior. For example: if the mocked behavior do not provide a typeMessage for the target or do not provide a target receiver, etc... 214
el mock debería devolver targetServiceName o targetAgentName ? Por el momento esta hecho con targetAgentName. 293
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.mock.jade.repositoryMock.RepositoryMockAgent Line
think about implement this exception or not. throw new BadConfigurationException(); 82
check if is necessary to implement this exception. throw new UnableToRegisterException(e.getStackTrace().toString()); 106
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.platform.PlatformSelector Line
create one constant -> public static final String PLATFORM_JADEX="jadex" for each platform and use them to avoid mistakes 30
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.platform.jade.JadeConnector Line
make this configurable 69
make this configurable 203
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.reader.mas.CreateMASTestCase Line
implement this method to represent the @Given part of the test in Java code.\n"); 145
implement this method to represent the @When part of the test in Java code.\n"); 171
implement this method to represent the @Then part of the test in Java code.\n"); 193
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.reader.mas.MASReader Line
Check that it actually is properly formated. 190
es.upm.dit.gsi.beast.reader.system.SystemReader Line
Check that it actually is properly formated. 193