Word Similarity Evaluation

We have collected some well known word similarity datasets for evaluating semantic similarity metrics. Several python classes can be used to prepare the dataset and evaluate the metric automatically. The word similarity datasets included in Sematch are listed as below:

Herbert Rubenstein and John B. Goodenough. 1965. Contextual correlates of synonymy. Commun. ACM 8, 10 (October 1965), 627-633. DOI=10.1145/365628.365657

Miller, George A., and Walter G. Charles. "Contextual correlates of semantic similarity." Language and cognitive processes 6.1 (1991): 1-28.

Lev Finkelstein, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Yossi Matias, Ehud Rivlin, Zach Solan, Gadi Wolfman, and Eytan Ruppin, "Placing Search in Context: The Concept Revisited", ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 20(1):116-131, January 2002

Eneko Agirre, Enrique Alfonseca, Keith Hall, Jana Kravalova, Marius Pasca, Aitor Soroa, A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches, In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2009.

SimLex-999: Evaluating Semantic Models with (Genuine) Similarity Estimation. 2014. Felix Hill, Roi Reichart and Anna Korhonen. Preprint pubslished on arXiv. arXiv:1408.3456

Camacho-Collados, José, Mohammad Taher Pilehvar, and Roberto Navigli. "A Framework for the Construction of Monolingual and Cross-lingual Word Similarity Datasets." ACL (2). 2015.

When developing new similarity metrics, proper evaluation is important, whereas sometimes it is tedious. Sematch helps to save such efforts by providing a evaluation framework, where similarity methods are evaluated with common word similarity datasets and can be compared with each other.

The most established methodology for evaluating performance of semantic similarity methods in word similarity dataset, is measuring the Spearman correlation between similarity scores generated by the similarity methods and scores assessed by human. Note that both Spearman's and Pearson's correlations coefficients have been commonly used in the literatures. They are equivalent if rating scores are ordered and we use Spearman correlation coefficients as default. A similarity method is acknolwedged to have better performance if it has higher correlation score (the closer to 1.0 the better ) with human judgements, while it is acknowledged to be unrelated to human assessment if the correlation is 0. Since the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients produced by different similarity methods are dependent on the human ratings for each dataset, we need to conduct statistical significance tests on two dependent (overlapping) correlations. Thus, the Steiger's Z Significance Test is used to calculate statistical significance test between the dependent correlation coefficients produced by different similarity methods, using a one-tailed hypothesis test for assessing the difference between two paired correlations. To illustrate the evaluation process, we have demonstrate the evaluation of a novel similarity method WPath, and we want to evaluate with some datasets and compare it to Lin method.

from sematch.evaluation import WordSimEvaluation
from sematch.semantic.similarity import WordNetSimilarity
evaluation = WordSimEvaluation()
print evaluation.dataset_names()
wns = WordNetSimilarity()
#define similarity metrics
lin = lambda x, y: wns.word_similarity(x, y, 'lin')
wpath = lambda x, y: wns.word_similarity_wpath(x, y, 0.8)
#evaluate similarity metrics which generates Spearman correlation score.
print evaluation.evaluate_metric('wpath', wpath, 'noun_simlex')
print evaluation.evaluate_metric('lin', lin, 'noun_simlex')
#perform Steiger's Z significance Test
print evaluation.statistical_test('wpath', 'lin', 'noun_simlex')

#define multilingual similarity metrics Spanish-Spanish 
wpath_es = lambda x, y: wns.monol_word_similarity(x, y, 'spa', 'path')
wpath_en_es = lambda x, y: wns.crossl_word_similarity(x, y, 'eng', 'spa', 'wpath')
#Evaluate multilingual word similarity datasets
print evaluation.evaluate_metric('wpath_es', wpath_es, 'rg65_spanish')
print evaluation.evaluate_metric('wpath_en_es', wpath_en_es, 'rg65_EN-ES')

Category Classification Evaluation

Although the word similarity correlation measure is the standard way to evaluate the semantic similarity metrics, it relies on human judgements over word pairs which may not have same performance in real applications. Therefore, apart from word similarity evaluation, the Sematch evaluation framework also includes a simple aspect category classification for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis. We use the dataset from SemEval2015 and SemEval2016, sentence-level Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. The original dataset can be found in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis 15 and Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis 16.

To evaluate the mode, you need to first define a word similarity measurement function, and then train and evaluate the classification model.

from sematch.evaluation import AspectEvaluation
from sematch.application import SimClassifier, SimSVMClassifier
from sematch.semantic.similarity import WordNetSimilarity

# create aspect classification evaluation
evaluation = AspectEvaluation()

# load the dataset
X, y = evaluation.load_dataset()

# define word similarity function
wns = WordNetSimilarity()
word_sim = lambda x, y: wns.word_similarity(x, y)

# Train and evaluate metrics with unsupervised classification model
simclassifier = SimClassifier.train(zip(X,y), word_sim)
evaluation.evaluate(X,y, simclassifier)

-----Evaluation Results-----
macro averge:  (0.65319812882333839, 0.7101245049198579, 0.66317566364913016, None)
micro average:  (0.79210167952791644, 0.79210167952791644, 0.79210167952791644, None)
weighted average:  (0.80842645056024054, 0.79210167952791644, 0.79639496616636352, None)
accuracy:  0.792101679528
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

    SERVICE       0.50      0.43      0.46       519
 RESTAURANT       0.81      0.66      0.73       228
       FOOD       0.95      0.87      0.91      2256
   LOCATION       0.26      0.67      0.37        54
   AMBIENCE       0.60      0.70      0.65       597
     DRINKS       0.81      0.93      0.87       752

avg / total       0.81      0.79      0.80      4406

           |                        R      |
           |                        E      |
           |    A              L    S      |
           |    M              O    T    S |
           |    B    D         C    A    E |
           |    I    R         A    U    R |
           |    E    I    F    T    R    V |
           |    N    N    O    I    A    I |
           |    C    K    O    O    N    C |
           |    E    S    D    N    T    E |
  AMBIENCE | <223>   .   13   43  179   61 |
    DRINKS |   15 <151>  54    4    1    3 |
      FOOD |   99   24<1960>  37   76   60 |
  LOCATION |    2    .    3  <36>  13    . |
RESTAURANT |   81   12   29   19 <417>  39 |
   SERVICE |   30    .   10    2    7 <703>|
(row = reference; col = test)

# Train and evaluate metrics with supervised classification model
simSVMclassifier = SimSVMClassifier.train(X, y, word_sim) #supervised classification
evaluation.evaluate(X, y, simSVMclassifier)

-----Evaluation Results-----
macro averge:  (0.87738328966718993, 0.80275862524008135, 0.83522698525943129, None)
micro average:  (0.87721289151157511, 0.87721289151157511, 0.87721289151157511, None)
weighted average:  (0.87555902983892719, 0.87721289151157511, 0.87314386708061753, None)
accuracy:  0.877212891512
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

    SERVICE       0.85      0.63      0.72       519
 RESTAURANT       0.92      0.85      0.89       228
       FOOD       0.89      0.97      0.93      2256
   LOCATION       0.91      0.74      0.82        54
   AMBIENCE       0.75      0.71      0.73       597
     DRINKS       0.94      0.91      0.93       752

avg / total       0.88      0.88      0.87      4406

           |                        R      |
           |                        E      |
           |    A              L    S      |
           |    M              O    T    S |
           |    B    D         C    A    E |
           |    I    R         A    U    R |
           |    E    I    F    T    R    V |
           |    N    N    O    I    A    I |
           |    C    K    O    O    N    C |
           |    E    S    D    N    T    E |
  AMBIENCE | <328>   4   58    .  111   18 |
    DRINKS |    3 <194>  29    .    .    2 |
      FOOD |   22    8<2194>   .   19   13 |
  LOCATION |    3    .    2  <40>   9    . |
RESTAURANT |   21    4  138    4 <422>   8 |
   SERVICE |    9    .   56    .    . <687>|
(row = reference; col = test)